Workforce Investment Board, INC.

In 1998, Congress enacted the Workforce Investment Act, which was signed into law by President Clinton on August 7, replacing the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The Act aimed to empower Local Workforce Boards to oversee the workforce system, centralizing job training, education, employment services, job vacancy information, and training opportunities at single locations.
On July 22, 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law, superseding the Workforce Investment Act. WIOA began implementation statewide on July 1, 2015. Nominations for Private Sector members of the Local Board continue to be submitted by Chambers of Commerce or Trade Organizations, while Public Sector members are nominated through relevant public agencies.
The Local Workforce Development Board, under WIOA, must include all mandatory members, with a majority representing businesses. The new Act emphasizes a focus on demand-driven industry sectors and businesses offering employment opportunities, a shift from the previous law. The minimum size of the Local Workforce Development Board is 23 members.

At our American Job Center - Business and Career Solutions Centers, located in Houma, Thibodaux, and Napoleonville, we provide a wide array of seamless job placement and training services for all citizens and businesses within the tri-parish area. These services are delivered through a partnership between Work Connection, Inc. and the Louisiana Workforce Commission.
Our Business Services, Recruitment, and Placement Teams assist employers in matching job vacancies with qualified candidates. We offer businesses access to a free web service that attracts thousands of job seekers daily, aiding in the recruitment of qualified candidates. Additionally, our teams deliver a range of training services, including On-the-Job Training and Incumbent Worker Training. We also support employers by providing labor market information through the website.
Job seekers who become members of our centers gain access to a host of services, including job search assistance, electronic resume preparation, career exploration, training options, and skills assessment.
USA flag near municipal building
USA flag near municipal building

Local Board

Federally funded program servicing eligible individuals in Lafourche, Assumption, and Terrebonne parish with state funds.

Address (Physical)

200 Point Street Houma, Louisiana 70361


Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Address (Mailing)

P. O. Box 4115 Houma, Louisiana 70361